   Уебинар на тема „Дизайн мислене“, който ще се проведе на 10 септември от 11 ч. 



Заповядайте на уебинар на тема „Дизайн мислене“, който ще се проведе на 10 септември от 11 ч. и е организиран в рамките на проект „Активно учене в инженерното образование“.


В рамките на уебинара ще научите как да прилагате дизайн мисленето при решаването на комплексни проблеми и намирането на иновативни и нестандартни решения за тях. Ще имате възможност да осмислите концепцията за дизайн мисленето стъпка по стъпка. Освен това ще се запознаете с дигиталните услуги, които подпомагат процеса на дизайн мисленето.


Лектор е Оливър Хайдман, завършил „Паралелни изчисления“ в университета „Луи Пастьор“, Страсбург. В момента преподава компютърни науки, математика и мениджмънт в Талински университет, Естония.







Design thinking is an emerging framework that aims to introduce solutions that better address the needs of stakeholders. It allows the introduction of solutions to complex issues, both social and business, even if none appears to exist at first glance. This is achieved through a process of empathy that allows designers to put themselves in the position of users either literally, by immersing themselves in the users’ environment, or through an engagement process that helps them better understand actual, as opposed to perceived, needs. It focuses on the experience and feelings of users from being exposed to a specific solution. This process allows for the definition of a more accurate problem statement. It encourages brainstorming for introducing a broad toolset of potential solutions, from which the design team selects the most viable for developing and evaluating prototypes by further engaging users. This webinar will demonstrate how design thinking may be applied in problem-solving for introducing innovative solutions to real-world problems. The audience will have the opportunity to reflect upon design thinking concepts and be exposed to design thinking stepwise process of empathy, problem statement definition, ideation, and prototype evaluation. Furthermore the audience will have the opportunity to experience digital services that support design thinking processes fostering team collaboration, engagement, scaffolding ideas, generating and effectively using feedback.

About the speaker

Olivier Heidmann has a Masters Degree in Parallel Computing from the Louis Pasteur University of Strasbourg, France. He also taught computer science, mathematics and management to students ranging from 14 years old to adults. Since 2004, he has participated either as technical lead or as a key software and service designer and developer in over 15 different EC-funded projects, using ICT and web-based solutions to enhance teaching and learning methodologies and tools. He has been active on the design and development of digital services that support design thinking in educational and business contexts. He has published articles at international conferences, including EDUCA On-line Educon, Edulearn, IADIS, and more.