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Head of Department: |
Assoc. Prof. Yosif Mitev Mitev, Ph.D. | |
Room: 6104, 6103 Phone: +359 (0)66 827 464 |
Academic Organizer: | Neli Boteva Laleva |
Room: 6102 Phone: +359 (0)66 827 332 |
The Department of Mechanical Engineering Equipment and Technologies (MEET) is a successor to the former Department of Mechanical Engineering Technology and Machine Tools, which was founded in 1969.
Since the establishment of the Department well over 5,000 full and part-time students have graduated in the degree courses of „Mechanical Engineering Technology and Machine Tools”, „ Mechanical Engineering Equipment and Technologies”, „Technology of Materials and Materials Science” и „Technology of Materials and Management”. 24 doctoral dissertations have been developed and successfully defended, 21 lecturers have acquired associate professorship and 2 – full professorship titles.
Over its 43 years of existence the Department has functioned with various numbers of staff currently comprising 15 lecturers (1 of which is professor, 9 – associate professors, 4 – chief assistant professors, 1 - assistant professor), 1 department engineer and 2people supporting staff.
Specialized laboratories which conduct training and research operate on the territory of the Department. These are laboratories with more than 300 units of metalworking equipment including universal machines and machines with CNC, technology and tooling, robots, as well as with modern computer and measuring equipment and licensed software - specialized laboratories in: Materials Science, Metal Casting, Metal Welding, Plastic Deformation, Powder Metallurgy, Electro-physical Technologies, Thermal and Chemical Heat Treatment, X-ray Analysis, Electronic Microscopy and two halls. The university laboratory for mechanical testing of metals and a computerized laboratory are also at the disposal of the department.
The Department keeps traditional international contacts with similar academic departments of universities in Germany, Serbia, Macedonia, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Poland, etc.
Department Staff
The Department of Mechanical Engineering Equipment and Technologies is a leader in training the following degree courses:
- „Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering” – educational qualification degree of Bachelo;
- „Mechanical Engineering Equipment and Technologies“ - educational qualification degrees of Bachelor and Master in the accredited with the “very good” assessment grade professional trend “Mechanical Engineering”;
- „Materials Technology and Management” - educational qualification degrees of Bachelor and Master.
The Department trains PhD students in the following degree courses:
- Technology of Mechanical Engineering
- Materials Cutting and Cutting Tools
- Machine Tools and Systems
- Materials Science and Technology of Mechanical Engineering Materials
Scientific Trends and Interests of the Department Team:
- Development and optimization of technological processes for mechanical treatment
- Designing, testing and optimization of cutting tools
- Development and implementation of high performance equipment
- Development of manufacturing technologies and tools for finishing treatments
- Automation of processes in machine manufacturing.
- Automation of technological and structural design in mechanical engineering (CAD/CAE/CAM systems) and rapid prototyping (RP)
- Operating characteristics of machine tools with CNC
- Unconventional methods of gear-cutting
- Materials science, thermal and chemical heat treatment
- Precision casting of ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys
- Intensified processes of plastic deformation
- Electro-physical and electro-chemical technologies
- Powder metallurgy and composite materials

This laboratory is equipped with modern computer equipment and licensed software products of companies leading in the field of CAD/CAM industry and rapid prototyping - Inventor and AutoCAD Mechanical of Autodesk, SolidWorks of DASSAULT SYSTEMS, FeatureCAM of DELCAM, Catalyst EX of Stratasys Dimension.
Main activities:
- CAD - 3D modeling of parts and assembly structures; construction of working and assembly drawings; modeling parts from sheet material and welded constructions;
- CAE – strength and deformation analysis by finite element method; calculation and design of machine elements and structures; dynamic analysis and simulation;
- CAM – automated development of control programs for machines with CNC;
- Rapid prototyping – preparation of 3D models; construction of real prototypes of parts and assembly structures using a 3D printer.

Laboratory „Automated Technological Design“
Automated design of technological processes for manufacturing of products using the licensed software VERTICAL of the company ASCON is performed in this laboratory. |
Main activities:
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Laboratory „Automated Equipment”
The laboratory is equipped mainly with machine tools with CNC and industrial robots. Training of students is done on:
- lathe machines - Т200 with SINUMERIK S840 DSL system and СР161 with ЕТА17 system;
- machining centers МС032 and CМ040 with the system Fanuc 6M-B;
- industrial robots REM10-12, PM6400, РБ231, РБ211, etc.

Laboratory „Dialogue Programming Systems”
The laboratory was established with the active support of SIEMENS Ltd. – Bulgaria, which provided specialized software packages “SINUTRАIN”, “SHOPMILL”, “SHOPTURN” and „Virtual machine”. Students learn the most modern methods and tools for dialogue programming with CNC machines. They develop and simulate the operation of programs for processing of complex prismatic and rotational parts.
Laboratory„Instrumental Equipment“
The laboratory is equipped with modern tooling and measuring equipment for testing and optimizing the processes of cutting with defined and non-defined cutting edge. This laboratory has been equipped with the support of CERATICIT - Bulgaria.
Educational Production Center
The established on the territory of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Equipment and Technologies Educational Production Center is functioning within the High Tech Center Ltd. At the Educational Production Center, advanced technological processes are developed, set up and applied, technological and tooling equipment is designed with the direct involvement of students, who conduct their educational-production practice and participate in real production. The Center maintains active relationships with engineering firms in the region and the country and works on their requests.
Laboratory 5210 – “Processing of Metals by Plastic Deformation”
This laboratory is equipped with machines for carrying out mechanical tests of metals and for assessment of their technological properties. Students from different degree courses are introduced to the construction, installation and principles of operation of die instruments. They have the opportunity to compare the old (conventional) methods of plastic shaping and the new (intensified) ones.
Laboratory 5211 – “Metal Casting”
Students get acquainted with the properties and main methods for testing of molding materials and mixtures; to the characteristics and types of casting molds and the ways of producing them. They also make mold cores using modern methods.
1133А – Materials Science Laboratory
The laboratory is equipped with a metallographic microscope which explores the structure of metals. In it students are introduced to the relationship between the chemical composition, structure and properties of metals, alloys, non-metallic engineering materials and on this basis – the field of their application.
The laboratory is equipped with furnaces for heat treatment of metals. By a given part drawing students determine the range of heating, the cooling medium and the type of heat treatment. The modes of heat and chemical heat treatment of most commonly used engineering materials are also determined
Cooperation with Companies:
- IMPULS – АD - Gabrovo
- “KAPRONI” – АD – Kazanlak
- “АRKUS” АD – Lyaskovets
- “АМК” – АD – Gabrovo
- „RAYS“ ЕООD – Pazardzhik
- „SIEMENS“ ЕООD – Bulgaria - Sofia
- „Ditra“ – Sofia (Official representative of Solid Works for Bulgaria and the products of DELCAM)
- “CADPOINT” – Sofia (Official representative of the products of Autodesk for Bulgaria)
- „HRANINVEST”, Stara Zagora
- „PRESKOV” АD- Stara Zagora
- „SPARKY ELTOS” АD – Lovech
- „OSAM” АD – Lovech
- „CENTROМЕТ” – Vratsa
Research Projects (2007÷2011):
University Research Projects:
- Contract № М-712 „Study of the impact of terms of straightening of abrasive tools on the process of cutting when grinding”;
- Contract М813/2008 „Theoretical and experimental study of profile cutters”;
- Contract № M 812 “Developing, testing and implementation of cutting-sealing taps“;
- Contract № М 815 “Automating the design procedures in the development of technological processes for machining”;
- Contract № М 903 „Modern methods and tools for mechanical design and prototyping in scientific research and teaching”;
- Contract № М 1109 „Modern methods for design of technological processes and programming of machine tools“;
- Contract № М1111 „Study of elastic abrasive cutting of rotating billets“;
- Contract № M708 „Isothermal hardening carbide-bainite spheroidal graphite cast irons”;
- Contract № М809 „Study of the process of combined effect in metal plating and dimensional processing”;
- Contract № М916 „Intensified plastic shaping of spatial parts with planar symmetry”;
- Contract № М915 „Preparation and study of carbide-bainite spheroidal graphite cast irons”;
- Contract № М1106 „Shaping of one-side open high conical parts”.
International Educational and Research Projects:
- Contract № BG051PO001/07/3.3- 01/10 under “Human Resources Development” Operational Programme under the topic „Students practice in a real working environment”, EU project.
- Contract № BG051PO001-3.3.04/28 of 28.08.2009, funded under ''Support to the development of PhD students, post-doctoral students, post-graduate students and young scientists” of “Human Resources Development” Operational Programme of the European Social Fund for 2009 under the topic: ''Support to the development of scientific staff in the field of engineering research and innovations”
- Contract for international cooperation between the Department of Mechanical Engineering Equipment and Technologies of TU-Gabrovo and the Department of Machine Tools Design of the National Technical University of Ukraine - Kyiv under the topic: „Creating working models of machine tools of new generation to illustrate the complex shaping movements using САD/САЕ/САМ systems”.
Published Course Books and Teaching Aids:
- Александрова, И. С. Основи на инженерните изследвания. Габрово, Университетско издателство „Васил Априлов”, 2003.
- Кузманов Т., Й. Максимов, Х. Метев. Неконвенционални технологии в машиностроенето. Габрово,, Университетско издателство ”Васил Априлов”, 2004.
- Кузманов Т., Й. Максимов, Х. Метев. Съвременни индустриални технологии. Габрово, Университетско издателство ”Васил Априлов”, 2004.
- Генков Г., Х. Метев. Технологическа екипировка (ръководство за лабораторни упражнения). Габрово, Университетско издателство ”Васил Априлов”, 2005.
- Кузманов Т., Х. Метев. Технология на машиностроенето. част II. Технологически методи за обработване., Габрово, ЕКС–ПРЕС, 2005.
- Кузманов Т., Х. Метев Неконвенционални технологии в машиностроенето (ръководство за лабораторни упражнения), Габрово, ЕКС–ПРЕС, 2005.
- Кузманов Т., Х. Метев, Парашкевов Ст. Електрофизични и електрохимични технологии в машиностроенето, Габрово, ЕКС–ПРЕС, 2005.
- Кузманов Т., Х. Метев. Индустриални технологии. Tехнологичен практикум (кн. 1 – тестове по дисциплината “Съвременни индустриални технологии”), Габрово, ЕКС–ПРЕС, 2005.
- Кузманов Т., Х. Метев. Индустриални технологии. Tехнологичен практикум (кн. 2 – тестове по дисциплината “Неконвенционални технологии в машиностроенето”), Габрово, ЕКС–ПРЕС, 2005.
- Кузманов Т., Х. Метев. Технология на машиностроенето. част I. Основи на машиностроителните технологии, Габрово, ЕКС–ПРЕС, 2006.
- Кузманов Т., Х. Метев, Р. Георгиева. Бизнесоценяване на обекти в индустриалното производство, Габрово, ЕКС–ПРЕС, 2006.
- Кузманов,Т., Х. Метев, Р. Георгиева. Бизнесоценяване на обекти в индустриалното производство. Габрово, ЕКС–ПРЕС, 2006.
- Ненков, Н.Г., И.С. Александрова. Технологични системи и процеси в машиностроенето. Габрово, Университетско издателство “Васил Априлов” , 2006.
- Пангелов, И.Н. Технология на машиностроенето. Основи на осигуряване техническите и икономическите показатели на механическата обработка. Габрово, Университетско издателство “Васил Априлов”, 2006.
- Кузманов, Т., Х. Метев. Технология на машиностроенето. част IV. Технологически процеси за машини с ЦПУ. Габрово, ЕКС–ПРЕС, 2007.
- Кузманов, Т., В. Георгиев, Х. Метев. Технологически процеси за металорежещи машини с ЦПУ. Габрово, ЕКС–ПРЕС, 2007.
- Киров, К. Проектиране и експлоатация на режещи инструменти. Електронно издателство на ТУ Габрово.
- Кузманов, Т., Х. Метев. Електрофизични и електрохимични технологии за обработване в машиностроенето, Габрово, ЕКС–ПРЕС, 2009.
- Кузманов Т., Х. Метев. Електрофизични и електрохимични технологии за обработване в машиностроенето, Габрово, ЕКС–ПРЕС, 2009.
- Киров, К., И. Амуджев. Ръководство за лабораторни упражнения по Проектиране и експлоатация на режещи инструменти. Габрово, ЕКС–ПРЕС 2010.
- Ненков, Н., И. Амуджев. Инструментална екипировка (конспект и въпроси за тестове). Габрово, ЕКС–ПРЕС, 2010.
- Ненков, Н., И. Амуджев. Технология на машиностроенето (конспект и въпроси за тестове). Габрово, ЕКС–ПРЕС, 2010.
- Амуджев, И. Ръководство за курсово проектиране по металорежещи инструменти. Габрово, ЕКС–ПРЕС,, 2010.
- Александрова, И. С., М. И. Николова. Техническа безопасност. Габрово, ЕКС-ПРЕС, 2011.
- Найденов А., Й. Митев. Металорежещи машини с цифрово програмно управление. Габрово Университетско издателство “Васил Априлов” , 2011.
- Ковачев, Т., Технология за изработване на заготовки – ръководство за лабораторни упражнения, ТУ-Габрово, 2009.
- Рашев,Г.,И.Митев, Материалознание – ръководство за лабораторни упражнения, ЕКС-ПРЕС, Габрово, 2009.
- Атанасова,Й. и др. Материалознание – протоколна тетрадка, ЕКС-ПРЕС, Габрово, 2009.
- Рашев, Г. и др., Конструиране на пластвасови изделия, ЕКС-ПРЕС, Габрово 2009.