Technical University of Gabrovo

Gabrovo Technical University is an accredited public higher education institution with a 60-year history

Gabrovo Technical University is an accredited public higher education institution with a 60-year history

Gabrovo Technical University is an accredited public higher education institution with a 60-year history


Get acquainted with our bachelor's and master's programs!

Get acquainted with our bachelor's and master's programs!

Get acquainted with our bachelor's and master's programs!


The new European program in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for 2014 - 2020

The new European program in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for 2014 - 2020

The new European program in the fields of education, training, youth and sport for 2014 - 2020


Project BG05M2OP001-1.002-0023, Competence Center "Intelligent Mechatronic, Eco and Energy Saving Systems and Technologies"

Project BG05M2OP001-1.002-0023, Competence Center "Intelligent Mechatronic, Eco and Energy Saving Systems and Technologies"

Project BG05M2OP001-1.002-0023, Competence Center "Intelligent Mechatronic, Eco and Energy Saving Systems and Technologies"


Rector of TU Gabrovo - Prof. Dr. Eng. Iliya Zhelezarov

I Zhelezarov1


The Technical University of Gabrovo is a leading institution for training of qualified personnel and conducting scientific research, meeting the European standards.

Established in 1964 today TU-Gabrovo is a modern European university provides training in modern degree courses in the fields of engineering, technology, economics, social sphere, and administration.

The scientific achievements, cooperation with business and highly qualified academic staff make it a favorite school. Its curricula are consistent with the current labour market conditions and business requirements for preparation of highly qualified specialists. Technical university of Gabrovo has been accredited by The National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency, as well as by the International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP) and the European Federation of National Engineering Associations (FEANI).

The Technical University of Gabrovo has been certified according to ISO 9001:2000, ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2015 by DQS GmbH and IQNet. The training at the Technical University of Gabrovo is a challenge for young people. The Technical University of Gabrovo takes pride in its thousands of graduates, who pursue successful careers in the country and abroad and contribute to the development of the modern science and practice.