Degree Course in Labour Safety Engineering (LSE)


Master  degree course

Applicability and  purpose of the course

Students who  graduate with a Master degree in “ LABOUR SAFETY”  have acquired the following  skills and knowledge which will enable them to:

  • Analyze and  estimate industrial hazards and labour conditions ;
  • To develop and introduce technical, technological and  managerial decisions aiming at prevention and minimizing of industrial hazards and improvement of labour conditions;
  • To conduct practical and  scientific research in the field of engineering safety including labour hygiene;
  • To instruct and train technical staff, workers and others  how to be aware of the  hazards, estimate risks which result from them and apply measures for their elimination and/or  minimization that are envisaged by the general and  trade related rules for  labour safety.

Successful graduates major with a  Master degree in labour safety.

Underlying requirements

Students who have successfully   completed their Bachelor degree in the subjects  taught in the Faculties of Electrical Engineering , Mechanical Engineering  and/or majored in Industrial Management are eligible to continue their studies in a Master degree course whose duration is three semesters.

Principal study objectives underlying the Master course in “ Labour Safety” are as follows:

  • Bulgarian and European study of law related to labour conditions;
  • Acquisition of theoretical and practical knowledge for  risk analysis and assessment aiming at ensuring  appropriate control in enforcing laws, regulations and rule of procedures related to  the provision of  harmless and  hazard free labour conditions and prevention of break –downs.
  • Acquisition of  necessary qualification to  develop and implement a set  of activities and mean which will ensure harmless and hazard-free labour conditions;
  • Certified qualification  of  “labour  conditions” managing.

Prospective employability

Successful graduates of  Master course in  Labour Safety  will be well able to find their employment opportunities in one of  the following  positions:

  • Labour safety experts in design and development companies ;
  • Labour safety inspection agents within the structure of  government related services;
  • Court and prosecution experts;
  • Specialists in labour safety in various establishments ,industries, services and trades.

A Master degree holder in “Labour Safety” is elegible to continue his/her studies in Ph.D course ( postgraduate studies).