Laboratory „Engineering ecology and protecting the environment”

Activity of the laboratory:

Laboratory team




Research activities

  1. lab1Determining the parameters of the environmental components (water, air, soil);
  2. Analysis and assessment of the risk of environmental and work pollution (including disasters and accidents);
  3. Monitoring of emissions (waste gases or polluted water) from different sources;
  4. Monitoring of emissions (content of harmful substances) by components;
  5. Construction of environmental risk assessment systems;
  6. Determining the parameters of the working environment (lighting, noise, dust, chemical agents);
  7. Study of the environment in the region, preparation of analyzes and implementation of projects to restore the disturbed ecological balance;
  8. Research, protection and restoration of the environment on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and participation in the implementation of programs and projects at the national and international level;
  9. Development of fundamental and scientific-applied prospective research projects in the field of sustainable development. 






Implementation activities :

  1. Creation and implementation of management systems according to Bulgarian, European and international standards.
  2. Creation and implementation of methodologies for measuring:
  • environmental components;
  • the parameters of the work environment;
  • chemicals etc.






Expert activities

  1. Development of analyzes and forecasts for the state of the environment;
  2. Development of projects for the prevention and control of environmental pollution;
  3. Development of programs for environmental protection and sustainable development of companies and organizations;
  4. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of investment proposals for construction, activities and technologies;
  5. Preparation of environmental assessments of plans and programs;
  6. Preparation of documents necessary for the application for complex permits;
  7. Preparation of assessments of the impact of chemical substances present in the working environment on the health and safety of workers;
  8. Preparation of measures and programs to reduce hazardous chemical substances in the working and environmental environments;
  9. Helping the sustainable development of industries and branches, cross-border and industrial zones, urbanized, non-urbanized and protected territories;
  10. Participation in the work of advisory councils to state and regional bodies.
  11. Participation in public access for the approval of normative documents related to the main areas of activity;
  12. Preparation of independent expert evaluations and participation in discussion of various problems related to sustainable regional and national development and effective use of nature.






Educational activities

  1. Assistance for the confirmation of the goals and principles of Sustainable Development, formation of ecological and nature protection culture, training of broad segments of the population and their inclusion in voluntary activities for environmental protection and regional development;
  2. Assisting related universities, manufacturing enterprises, cooperatives and other organizations and associations in the preparation of sustainable development projects;
  3. Training of personnel in the applied economic field in sustainable development, engineering ecology and biotechnology;
  4. Introduction and maintenance of innovative systems, forms and methods of training, retraining and raising the qualifications of specialists in sustainable development, ecology and environmental protection;
  5. Conclusion of contracts with scientific, public and business organizations in the country and abroad for the development and implementation of projects related to its main activity on environmental protection;
  6. Participation of laboratory team members in scientific-applied conferences and workshops and meetings with an ecological orientation.
  7. Development and implementation at the University of study programs and projects aimed at forming motivation and knowledge for sustainable development and environmental protection;
  8. Conducting educational and production and pre-diploma practices with students. 






Economic activity

Additional economic activity related to the subject of the main activity is carried out in the laboratory :

  1. drinking water and waste water treatment;
  2. preparation of chemical solutions and mixtures according to the specifications of the contracting authorities;
  3. preparation of pure substances according to the specifications of the contracting authorities - standard solutions, pH buffers, etc.;
  4. preparation of distilled and deionized water, using specialized methods;
  5. preparation of management systems for environmental protection;
  6. conducting internal audits of OSH management systems;
  7. monitoring of pollutant emissions into the atmosphere from mobile and stationary sources.






Laboratory team



name, surname



Head of the laboratory


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Dragomir Vasilev

+359 66 827 412

+359 66 827 353

Laboratory team



Chief. Assist. Prof. Dr. Daniela Nedeva

+359 66 827 308

Assist. Prof. Fatme Padikova

+359 66 827 318

Eng. Chemist Rumyana Pencheva

+359 66 827 359