Circular Innovation Hub - CI-HUB

Project title:  Circular Innovation Hub


Akronym: CI-HUB


Project duration: 30 months (starting from 01.01.2024.)


Project budget: 2 351 006,74 EURO


Programme: Interreg Danube Region 2021-2027


Programme priority 1: A smarter Danube Region


Specific objective: 1.1 Enhancing innovation and technology transfer in Danube region

Main objective: The main objective is to improve innovation potential in less innovative regions characterized by low RD and low knowledge-intensive SMEs to test a joint circular transition accelerator program based on a circular user experience model in multi-tier supply chains concerning industry 4.0 uptake and give the main answer how to create a value with 3R circular principles(reduce, reuse and recycle) in most challenging circular sectors: (1) plastic &metal processing and (2) construction sector

Specific objective 1: Setting the Circular user acceptance model for acceleration transition

Specific objective 2: Strengthen the uptake of advanced technologies based on consumer and user acceptance of circular offerings with elaborated circular transition supporting tools, mentorship techniques & connected business support ecosystems.

Specific objective 3: To improve the regional innovation ecosystems' capacity to learn, transfer, and replicate the „Circular User Acceptance Model“, „Circular Transition Accelerator“ with its entire capabilities by designing new policy instruments supporting the sustainable manufacturing sector.

CI-HUB main outputs and results will be:

Establishment of joint transnational circular transition accelerator support services based on a circular user experience model combined with industry 4.0 novel technologies that support circular transition in 2 most challenging circular supply chains:

  1. plastic & metal processing sector
  2. construction sector

which are both RIS3 very important in less developed areas and where both will be tested by involved partners. That type of accelerator program doesn’t exist yet in EU and will be the first focused program on a transnational level.

Partner organizations:

LP   Pomurje Technology Park – Slovenia –
PP2   IFKA Public Benefit Nonprofit Ltd. – Hungary –
PP3   Business Development Agency of Karlovy Vary – Czechia –
PP4   Technical University of Cluj-Napoca – Romania –
PP5   ICT Cluster – Bulgaria –
PP6   Science Technology Park Cacak – Serbia –
PP7   Digital Innovation Hub ONEX – Bosnia and Herzegovina –
PP8   BWCON research – Germany –
PP9   Technical University of Kosice – Slovakia –
PP10 Carinthia UAS-non-profit limited liability company – Austria –
PP11 Croatin Chamber of Economy-Country Chamber Varazdin – Croatia –
PP12 Organization for Entrepreneurship Development – Moldova –
PP13 Science and technology park Montenegro – Montenegro –

Associated Strategic Partners:

  1. Karlovy Vary Region - KARP
  2. Ministry of Economy and Entrepreneurship - ONEX
  3. Kosice Self-governing Region - TUKE
  4. Municipality of Murska Sobota - PTP
  5. Faculty of Geotechnical Engineering, University of Zagreb – HGK-VZ
  6. Association of Business Women Nadežda – NTP Cacak
  7. Chamber of Economy of Montenegro – STPMNE
  8. Regional Economic Development Agency of Northern Black Forest - BWCON
  9. Carinthian Economic Promotion Fund - CUAS
  10. Technical University – Gabrovo - ICT CLUSTER

 Project website: