Seventh Framework Programme
Project №
314284 FastInCharge
- Douaisienne de Basse Tension
- TechnicalUniversityof Gabrovo
- Automotive Cluster – West Slovakia
- Municipalityof Douai
- Euroquality SARL
- Institute of Communications and Computer Systems
- Tecnalia
- Centro Ricerche Fiat
2012 - 2015
FastInCharge will last 36 months and be lead by a consortium of 9 partners (France, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria,Italia and Slovakia).
The overall objective of FastInCharge is to foster the democratisation of electric vehicles in the urban
environment by developing an easier and more comfortable charging solution which will enable to ease the EVuse by the large public and facilitate their implementation in the urban grid. FastInCharge’s intention is to developa cost-effective modular infrastructure offering a global solution for EV charging. Its success will boost researchin the direction of dynamic charging solutions.